RapidID for
Share Ecomony

Use RapidID’s verification solutions to help create trust and safety in the sharing economy, while reducing the risk of fraudulent activity and chargebacks.

Build Mutual Trust and Security

As the share economy continues to grow and diversify, it will be the platforms that offer customers simplicity and an assurance of security that will succeed. RapidID’s ID document verification solution will ensure the driver, the passenger, the homeowner or houseguest is exactly who they say they are to help foster mutual trust.

Offer a Secure and Frictionless Experience with Peer to Peer Lending

Money sharing and peer to peer lending applications need to provide frictionless experiences but at the same time, ensure the platform is secure, credible and protected from fraudsters and scammers spoofing the system.

Create a Quick Sign-Up Process

Ensure the sign-up process is not too lengthy to ensure a seamless sign-up process for a potential employees or customers of your service.

Made For Developers, By Developers

We've created a service that is easy to set-up and start using without instructions. Our web portal is simplistic by design, and our developers love working with the JSON RESTful API.

What we stand for

We're creating a seamless connection between people and technology through ID verification.

We don’t collect data, so you can enjoy peace of mind knowing client’s personal data won’t be mined and used later.
With access to more than 100+ billion identity records from 180 countries around the world, we're able verify virtually any form of ID Document including passports, driver’s licenses & National ID's in real time.
RapidID is among the most cost-effective options on the market, with no setup fees, no monthly licence fees, no minimum spend, just a simple PAYG model.
We're here to support your business with the right tools that are intuitive and easy-to-use, so that you can offer a seamless experience to your customers.
We take data protection & your privacy very seriously. The burden of a possible data breach is too much responsibility for any one company. We don't keep any sensitive personal information at all. Zero data. Zero risk of any data breach.
We've created a service that is easy to set-up and start using without instructions. Our web portal is simplistic by design, and our developers love working with the JSON RESTful API.

Pricing that's fair.

We believe in providing the best service on the market at the best price.

No Licence Fees
No Implementation Fees
No Minimum Spend
No Hosting Fees

Get Started Today

We're working on some updates.

Get in touch with us hello@rapidid.io
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